Special Art Open House: A PLACE OF HER OWN

A special evening showcasing over 30+ pieces of artwork created by the women who participated in the Fall-Winter 2014-15 A PLACE OF HER OWN arts-based healing and transformation residency.

Found objects + traditional art materials combined with deeply personal stories = innovative, inspirational work. Saturated colors, mediums ranging from knitted yarn landscapes to baby jar dioramas to an art studio in miniature to a Modigliani-esque a la Vietnamese self portrait to a multi-layered chest of drawers covered with precious rice paper from Tibet to a upcycled mannequin with a reimagined heart of vulnerability as a slightly cracked egg....all to enchant and spark your imagination about what is possible for your life direction and possiblities. The artists will be on hand to share their process with you.

Presented by Cynthia Tom Arts and Trinity Ordona Ph.D. in partnership with Asian American Women Artists Association and Asian Women's Shelter.

Date & Time: Thursday, February 26 at 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: 1890 Bryant Street Studios, Gallery 302                                                                        

For more information contact Cynthia Tom, cynthiatom6@gmail.com, 415-722-4296