Shattering Records

Shattering Records: Filipina Coast Guard Lieutenant Reaches Peak of Kilimanjaro After Conquering Everest

Shattering Records: Filipina Coast Guard Lieutenant Reaches Peak of Kilimanjaro After Conquering Everest

Lt. Carina Dayondon of the Philippine Coast Guard shattered a world record back in 2007 when she became one of 3 Filipino women to ever summit Mt. Everest. Now she's tackled Mt. Kilimanjaro. Dayondon made it to Africa's highest mountain at 4:40 AM on Saturday, October 3rd after journeying across Africa for 10 days. Among her completed summits are Australia’s Mt. Kosciuszko in 2014, Russia’s Mt. Elbrus in 2013, and North America’s Mt. Mickinley in 2006. She's already planning her 2016 expedition to South America to complete her 7th summit.

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