Social work

ADVANCING THE FILIPINA: Apply for the Community Resource Coordinator Position at Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco

ADVANCING THE FILIPINA:  Apply for the Community Resource Coordinator Position at Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco

The Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco is seeking a Community Resource Coordinator with a background in social science or work and grant writing experience. Apply before the March 31st deadline.

ASK A FILIPINA: #16 DISRUPT Leadership Tip from Dr. Annalisa Vicente Enrile, Clinical Associate Professor, USC (Global FWN100™ '13)

ASK A FILIPINA: #16 DISRUPT Leadership Tip from Dr. Annalisa Vicente Enrile, Clinical Associate Professor, USC (Global FWN100™ '13)

Work for something bigger than yourself. We all believe in something. The hard part is standing up for those beliefs and working to create real change. True leadership calls for us to be fighters; to heal and to transform. Life events such as abuse, oppression, exploitation, and other injustices can put us down and make us submissive. And, while, it is important for us to heal ourselves and become stronger, it is not enough. One out of three women are abused during their lifetimes. Every 90 seconds a woman is sexually assaulted. It's not enough to survive, we have to change the world so that women and girls cease to be commodities and targets of violence. Put your own experiences within global contexts. Understand the root causes of what has been done to you. Then take this knowledge to work for change. 

- Annalisa Vicente Enrile, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor, University of Southern California (USC), School of Social Work
