#VOTE2016: One More Day Until The Historic Election.


We’re worried. Are you? Your vote will change the world. Our history. Our lives.

Will you vote, get your friends/family to vote and Rock the Fil-Am Vote on Tuesday, November 8? Tuesday is a day we will all remember.

This November, Asian American and Pacific Islander voters will play a key role in shaping the future of our country, our state and our neighborhoods. California is home to the largest Asian American and Pacific Islander population in the nation and an informed Asian American and Pacific Islander electorate will benefit our entire state and our country.

18MillionRising wants to help you get the information you need to be an informed and engaged voter, so they created a handy statewide Asian American and Pacific Islander Voter Guide to educate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on a wide range of issues.

Check out the full guide here. Also available in Tagalog.

You can also check out the independent California voter guide from Mobilize the Immigrant VoteAction Fund here.