MOBILIZING the Filipino Vote: Filipino American Candidates Amplifying the Filipino Voice this November 2016 U.S. Election Cycle

MOBILIZING the Filipino Vote: Filipino American Candidates Amplifying the Filipino Voice this November 2016 U.S. Election Cycle

Five things you can do to make Filipino Americans visible on election day PLUS the Filipino American Candidates and FWN Members in this election cycle who are making a difference in our communities.

Oct. 26: Making Our Voices Count: Panel Discussion with Lillian Galedo (U.S. FWN100™ '07) and April Veneracion Ang (Global FWN100™ '15)

Oct. 26: Making Our Voices Count: Panel Discussion with Lillian Galedo (U.S. FWN100™ '07) and April Veneracion Ang (Global FWN100™ '15)

As Filipinos in the United States, we are at a crossroads. The San Francisco Bay Area is home to nearly a quarter of the entire population of Filipino Americans in the United States. Unfortunately, according to FAJ's recent Filipino Electorate Project, it seems that only about 50% of the eligible voting population in the Bay Area's counties are registered to vote. What is interesting, however, is the high percentage of those registered to vote are naturalized citizens. Let's change that.

REPORT: Shifting Demographics of Filipino Americans in the Bay Area

REPORT: Shifting Demographics of Filipino Americans in the Bay Area

Opportunities for organizing for northern California Filipinos are increasing. Yet Filipinos aren't registered at the levels they can be. 

Approximately 50% of Filipinos eligible to register are not registered to vote. In only two counties - San Francisco and Kings Counties - are more than 50% of Filipinos eligible to register, taking advantage of this right. 

Let's change that.

Filipino Leaders Roundtable Converge at Wells Fargo for Filipino American History Month

Filipino Leaders Roundtable Converge at Wells Fargo for Filipino American History Month

Mark T. Ng of Wells Fargo called a Filipino Leaders Roundtable last week to explore better ways to serve and connect with the Bay Area's Filipino community. The roundtable consisted of Marily Mondejar (Founder & CEO, Filipina Women's Network), Al Perez (Principal, Filipino American Arts Exposition, Commissioner, San Francisco Entertainment Commission) and Lillian Galedo (Executive Director, Filipino Advocates for Justice) among other key influential Filipino American leaders in the Bay Area.

Filipino Voters Data. Happy Filipino American History Month! BE the Filipino Voice and Vote.

Filipino Voters Data. Happy Filipino American History Month! BE the Filipino Voice and Vote.

Filipino Electorate Data in California shows that Filipinos can make a difference especially in San Mateo and Alameda County. Sadly, Filipinos aren't registered at the levels they can be and young Filipino people are not registering to vote at the rate they could be. Learn more about the data and get registered to vote online thru Turbovote after the jump!

Asian American Voters Likely to Punish Candidates with Anti-Immigrant Views

Asian American Voters Likely to Punish Candidates with Anti-Immigrant Views

Last week, Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina came under fire for their offensive comments on Asian immigrants. Bush noted in his visit to border city McAllen, TX, that the phenomenon of so-called “anchor babies” was “frankly, more related to Asian people,” while Fiorina called in Le Mars, Iowa for the urgent resolution of “festering problems” like the Chinese birth tourism industry in the United States.

This brings up an important question of whether anti-immigrant rhetoric could hurt candidates among Asian American voters. 

News story courtesy of AAPI Data.