Melissa Orquiza

#FWNSummit2015 Highlight: Walt Disney Studios Composer Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15) Keynotes Gala Awards

#FWNSummit2015 Highlight: Walt Disney Studios Composer Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15) Keynotes Gala Awards

Among the most memorable highlights of the #FWNSummit2015 was Melissa Orquiza's inspirational Leadership Keynote during the Global FWN100™ Awards Ceremony. Melissa shed light on the underrepresentation of Filipinos in classical music and urged all Filipinas to look within to incite change in those around them.

Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15) is a distinguished composer and musician for Walt Disney Studios. Among her original song writing credits is McFarland, USA , a film by Walt Disney Studios, starring Kevin Costner.  Melissa was selected Leadership Keynote Speaker at the Global FWN100™ Awards Gala on October 29th, 2015 at the Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel in San Francisco.

Watch the video and read the transcript of her memorable keynote at the Global FWN100™ Awards Gala 2015 here.