Silicon Valley

Be Part of the Future of Filipino Americans in Tech, Oct. 9

Be Part of the Future of Filipino Americans in Tech, Oct. 9

FASTERCON is the inaugural annual conference hosted at UC Berkeley by FASTER (Filipino Americans in Silicon Valley Tech) which aims to create, connect, and cultivate a valuable movement of Filipino Americans in the technology industry.

This year's conference is focused on highlighting and strengthening the network of Filipino American technology professionals in the Bay Area.  Register for the conference or become a mentor!

Silicon Valley Lawsuit and Subtle Questions About Sex Discrimination

Silicon Valley Lawsuit and Subtle Questions About Sex Discrimination

The issue of self-promotion highlights the bind for women. In the modern workplace, people are expected to advertise their own achievements to get job offers, promotions and raises. Yet while men tend to be rewarded for it, women are punished if they do and punished if they don’t.